Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Close of the Season.. But There's Still Work to be Done!

Well, I guess it has to be official now.. I packed up the deck, threw away all the planter contents and brought a majority of the plants inside for the cold weather season known as WINTER.. YUCK!

To celebrate this sad event i made Pumpkin Muffins last night to welcome the Fall season..

After all was said and done; the deck cleared, plants washed and de-spidered, dinner was made/eaten/cleaned up, the man was sent off to work, and the pumpkin muffins were cooling i had time to reflect with a nice hot cup of Espresso on my days work and how i felt about it.. i wasn't sad.. shocker! Because the Summer is MY SEASON. I'm a Cancer-crab on the zodiac and a water sign.. a June baby, addicted to the sun for it's Vitamin D/depression reducing qualities.. OK, it may cause cancer if subjected to it for long periods of time, but i need it to survive lol.. just kidding on that part, but i do have the tendency to get the winter blues after the holidays and leading up to the Summer. but i digress...

During my tear down of Summer my mind conjured up a lot of winter projects to tackle to keep me busy, (especially when my SO is working on those weekends). First one i think I'm going to tackle it setting up the chicken wire on the bottom of the wood holder for the fire wood.. it's a bit wide on the bottom and the logs fall through.. that i might even do today provided Hommies offers a less-than-abundant coil of chicken wire. If not, i may just purchase string wire and make my own.. prime it and paint it black to save it from the elements and rust.. (Update 10/12/08 8:31pm: i completed this task, and in the process i started another project. I primed and started to paint(ran out) this metal bench that was left here by the previous owners. As long as the weather holds up i will have the bench completed next weekend. then my goal is to make a cushion for it. Still project #1, just changed.. lol!)

My 2nd project is to make the shelves for the pantry in the kitchen.. i just hope Hommies cuts wood too because i don't have those kinds of tools at my disposal. (update 10/12/08 8:32pm; OK Hommies messed me up.. This project is going to take a while.. apparently wood comes shorter than the size states on the tags.. by 1 whole inch!!! so now i have to figure out what to do. my shelves are 52.5lx16dx1"thick. They don't make sheets of pine anywhere NEAR that size so I'm screwed. I think i might have to consult my dad on this one, he's awesome at stuff like this.)

3. i want to make a birdbath.. i made a makeshift one yesterday with a vase that my SO's father gave us that doesn't fit our decor.. but it would look awesome as a base to a birdbath and all i need to purchase now is a large water catcher for a planter and i want to mosaic or even simply tile the top part and viola! instant, home-made bird bath. (Update 10/12/08 8:35pm; i purchased a 16"Diameter terracotta saucer for this project. can't wait to get started)

4. Paint the kitchen. (Selected the color today, my SO is in agreeance, and he added two more projects to the kitchen list: New Wood Floor, New counter top, new sink-we sort of agreed on Stainless Steel to match the appliances, but it's not official yet.)

5. Paint the Dining room. I selected the color when me SO first moved in almost a year ago, but other projects and my sun bathing interfered with home improvement projects so i will tackle this in the months to come. Color of choice "Gingery" by Sherwin Williams.

6. Remove the wallpaper glue and fix the walls in the hallway upstairs and paint that.

7. Paint the bedroom. Clueless on the color of this one.

8. I want to create my own Cook Book. i want to cook the recipes i enjoy the most to eat, take photos of the food when complete, and type up the recipes. This would be a WIP for a while being as i have tons of recipes, but my first entry will most likely be the pumpkin muffins.. I just wish i would have brought my camera.. they are soooo good.

WOW! 8 projects that i figured out over the weekend.. that'll most likely be complete by February! lol.. (well minus the cook book and the floors and counter tops in the kitchen.)

Trust me, I'm sure I'll find more.. i can't be bored on the weekends.. so i figured if there aren't any physical projects to do i can at the very least COOK right? Wow, my SO and the guys on his squad will be fat and happy this winter if i get bored! lol I'm sure they won't mind.


  1. Wow! You're going to be busy! Can you email some of that energy and ambition my way??

  2. That's a lot of work. If I had the energy to make my own list it would be just as long, I am sure. Good luck and have fun with it!


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