Thursday, November 20, 2008

The trick is to Yoga and take vitamins!

I've been so busy setting up my other blogs that I haven't been paying attention to detail and I’m a little back logged.

Tuesday was my 2nd hard core, biggest loser style butt whooping by my corporate physical trainer. This session was just as grueling as the first, and I’m loving my metabolism right now. It's burning away. I'm already seeing some results.. I weigh in tomorrow, but I'm guessing 3 lbs at least.

My session consisted of the following:
3 sets of each
Wide legged squats with weight 15 reps
Squads with tension band 15 reps
Jumping Jacks 1 minute each set
Chin Pull Downs 40 lbs 12 reps
Standing Chest Press using band 45 seconds
Arm raises with him as the resistance 45 seconds

Abs 2 sets of each (I’m not sure of the name so I’ll give the description)
Lie on back, legs together, lift to 90 degree angle while holding weight lift upper and lower body up 1 minute
Bicycles 1 minute
After the session I popped Potassium, Magnesium, Complete B complex, and Calcium vitamins, and lucky for me I had a Yoga class that evening as well.

My Yoga instructor attended classes while we were on break for 2 weeks to learn new stuff. She brought Pilates style Yoga to the class that evening. It included tension bands, blocks and movements that were very similar to those that I had to use in my physical therapy sessions for 6 months this year.. I joined Yoga class to stretch and relax, not do PT, I do that anyway everyday at home as a part of my healthy spine regimen.
After we were finished learning our "new" moves, she guided us into our hamstring balancing act.. I love this move and it has diminished all tightness in my hamstrings and legs that the next morning i did not feel any pain from my work out with the trainer. The session prior whooped me hard to the point that to even go to sit down do use the facilities was extremely painful. Now I know how to combat this issue. Yoga and Vitamins!

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