Since my last post, I've gotten married to my officer, and now I'm a wife of an officer. Those that are PWs know what it's like. It sucks, you can put the dangers in the back of your mind, but deep down you are connected to that thought of "is that the call?" (AS MY PHONE JUST RANG!! OMG! 1:37 AM)
Ya see, the reason for this post is because of an incident that happened tonight. I'm not at liberty to talk about the details, because the story hasn't been released yet, but it hit REAL close to home.
No one from my DH's dept was hurt or anything, it was another dept that borders his town, but that's just WAY too close to home for me.
So far in 2011, we've lost 19 officers across the country. Fathers and Mothers, Brothers and Sisters, Sons and Daughters, Husbands and Wives, Fiancees etc. All have given the ultimate sacrifice to protect you and me, and to uphold the law against people that can give a damn about the law, or their families, or themselves.
I can understand running from a cop, but what goes through your warped and twisted mind to pull a gun and kill one for a stupid reason such as you having a warrant. Do you really think that if you kill a cop that you aren't going to go to jail or face the death penalty (if your state is fortunate enough to have one)? Instead of paying a fine or going for a short "stint" you'd rather deal with the larger crime of killing someone? It makes no sense! You people just make NO SENSE! (disclaimer: you people = the bad guys) if you didn't break the law in the very first place you wouldn't be put in this situation. What gives you the flipping right to take a life from someone? Then cry for a lawyer? PUSSIES! That's what you are!! A bunch of drug dealing/using pieces of scum that have to hide behind the barrel of a gun because you are too much of a pussy to deal with real life. Here's an idea: KILL YOURSELVES! That will take you and your gun off the street forever. OH, but you are probably not reading this anyway because you are on the streets dealing your drugs and acting all puffy. What a joke.
Our senators and Government want to impose tougher gun control laws.. HEY IDIOTS! THEY DON'T FOLLOW THE LAW ANYWAY! Govt will never make sense to me, you impose laws that do no good for what they are intended. That's where our laws fail this country. The criminal element doesn't care about your laws! They follow their own laws, and that goes with dealing/using drugs, stealing/robbing and killing people. When will you old fuddy-duddies wake the hell up?
OK, i think I'm done yelling, but i needed to get it off my chest because every day it seems I'm getting another email from the officer down memorial page that another officer has died at the hands of an idiot. I'm frustrated, and I'm stressed out about it. Especially when i get a phone call at 11:30 at night from DH that's working telling me something happened and that he's OK, he just didn't want me to see it on the news first. I'm grateful, but now i want the details, who, what, when, where, why? Well, we know why.. some idiot was let loose in the world. Now it's 2:08AM and I'm WIRED, see they don't just effect that officer's life, but their actions effect EVERYONE attached to them. My BFF is still awake because her DH is a LEO, all spouses of the LEOs on duty in this area right now are awake, thinking, what happened? what if it was mine? what would i do? How would i handle it? omg that poor family, that poor dept. omg omg omg! At the same time, we are told to remain silent because it's an ongoing investigation and it hasn't been released to the public yet. OK, but i can at least talk about my feelings here.. I'm not giving details, no towns are mentioned. I'm upset and i need a release, because if i stayed silent in this house alone without getting it out i would lose my mind. Just send me to the rubber room now!
The one thing I'm grateful for is the fact that I'm my own boss, so i don't have to be at work in the AM. I can work my own schedule, so this delicious cup of java can keep me company so i can stay awake for phone calls!
Thus far in 2011 we honor the following fallen officers:
EOW: Saturday, January 1, 2011 Cause of Death: Gunfire |
| EOW: Tuesday, January 4, 2011 Cause of Death: Automobile accident |
| EOW: Wednesday, January 5, 2011 Cause of Death: Gunfire |
| EOW: Sunday, January 9, 2011 Cause of Death: Gunfire (Accidental) |
| EOW: Thursday, January 13, 2011 Cause of Death: Heart attack |
| EOW: Friday, January 14, 2011 Cause of Death: Struck by vehicle |
| EOW: Friday, January 14, 2011 Cause of Death: Gunfire |
| EOW: Monday, January 17, 2011 Cause of Death: Gunfire |
| EOW: Thursday, January 20, 2011 Cause of Death: Gunfire |
| EOW: Thursday, January 20, 2011 Cause of Death: Gunfire |
| EOW: Thursday, January 20, 2011 Cause of Death: Gunfire |
| EOW: Friday, January 21, 2011 Cause of Death: Automobile accident |
| EOW: Monday, January 24, 2011 Cause of Death: Gunfire |
| EOW: Monday, January 24, 2011 Cause of Death: Gunfire |
| EOW: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 Cause of Death: Gunfire |
| EOW: Friday, January 28, 2011 Cause of Death: Automobile accident |
| EOW: Saturday, January 29, 2011 Cause of Death: Assault |
| EOW: Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Cause of Death: Gunfire |
| EOW: Saturday, February 5, 2011 Cause of Death: Automobile accident |
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