On my way home tonight. The Jersey Guys talk radio show on NJ101.5 was talking about Det. Dinardo's death. That was the first i had heard all day about his passing.
Callers were calling in to the show outraged by the article below written by Michaelangelo Conte of the Jersey Journal. Caller after caller getting more and more irate and angry with each passing second on the air until the last caller that i heard before i exited my vehicle.
He was a police officer from an unknown town/city. He called in to rebut something another caller had said about cops being trained to kill (which, if anyone knows a police officer personally is an outrageous statement to make. Cops are trained to stop a situation.). After his explanation he mentioned that Mr. Michaelangelo Conte is a local writer for the Jersey Journal that is always fishing for stories about cops, and spins it in any way he can against them. He targets mostly Union, Hudson, Essex counties etc. (Gee, the counties with the most ghettos, is this Al Sharpton Jr. in the making?!? hiding behind a typewr..err.. umm pc?) Stop the shit stirring Mr. Conte, you are focusing on the wrong set of people in this case!
In this article his focus was on the 19 bullets they pulled from this asshole's body. one great shot to the bitch's head though, i commend the office that placed that bullet in her skull. WAY TO GO!
19 bullets in my logical opinion is minimal given the amount of officers that were firing upon these animals. I'd say that was showing a lot of restraint. Had that been me (in a perfect world) i would have taken a shot gun to his face and make him die a slow death. Maybe blew off a his hands first so he couldn't use his weapon anymore... yeah I'm twisted, but I'm also outraged! 19 bullets aren't enough for this piece of shit!
Ya see, in Jersey, there is no death penalty, even for cop killers. Our wonderful tree hugging democratic @#$&(#&% ended that. So had they just "caught" these two animals we would be paying for them to be in jail on appeal after appeal until they made parole or whatever would become of them.
In my opinion, The Jersey City PD did the right thing. Other than the police getting injured and dying they provided these two scumbags with their life sentences, saving the NJ taxpayer a ton of money in legal fees as well as knowing they will never get out to harm the public ever again. Thanks guys and gals!
Now that brings me to the internal investigation. Since Mr. Conte was nice enough to start a public outcry in response to the 19 bullets, the PD has to make sure they are meticulous in their investigation. Which, I'm sure, is something that is handled with kid-gloves anyway in today's climate.
If Rev. Al Sharpton decides to butt he fat ass into this case, these poor police are going to have to go through trials and suspensions and undue stress (on top of the stress they and their families are already under) to deal with the public outcry of those that have nothing better to do but to spill out racial BS/cops against the black man etc.
What about the Law Enforcement Family outcry?! oh wait, i forgot we do that in a respectable manner, with dignity, because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Not gather in the streets acting like animals.
I am very angry at the events that lead up to me having to write this blog page. I can be more vulgar and say things i shouldn't but I'll try not to get any worse. It won't help the situation anyway, and i realize that. But being so close to the LE family, having a lot of friends that are LEO's to marrying in to it, it hits home FAST and HARD. That could be me one day, left with 3 kids and no husband. And as much as there is a lot of support now, once time passes the widows are left alone to hold everything together, all because their husbands went to work to serve and protect us from people like Hassian Hosendove and Amanda Anderson.
In Closing:
To the poor man that got shot at work and left to die in the street, (ya gotta love the NJ public right? guy dying in the middle of the road and no one stops to help). The poor people that were held at gun point in a string of armed robberies from SC to NJ. The police that are injured, both mentally and physically, the families of all involved, and of course to Det. DiNardo's family - you are all in my prayers. May each passing moment bring more healing to you.
(Det. Marc DiNardo would have turned 38 this Wednesday. Happy Birthday Detective.)
The family requests in lieu of flowers, that donations be made to the scholarship fund established by the Jersey City Police Officer's Benevolent Association. All contributions should be made to the JCPOBA Marc Anthony DiNardo Memorial Fund.
UPDATED 7/20/09 2:27 PM:
Autopsies: 19 bullets recovered from man killed in Jersey City shootout, single bullet from wife
by Michaelangelo Conte/The Jersey Journal Monday July 20, 2009, 1:00 PM
Nineteen bullets were recovered from the body of the man killed Thursday morning in the shootout with Jersey City police, officials said.
The woman killed had just one bullet wound, to the base of her skull, DeFazio said.
"The results of the autopsies speak for themselves," Hudson County Prosecutor Edward DeFazio told The Jersey Journal today of the postmortems performed Friday on Hassian Hosendove, 32, and his wife, Amanda Anderson, 22, who died in their Reed Street apartment.
Four Jersey City police officers and one Port Authority cop were shot during the incident and three other officers suffered other injuries.
According to the autopsy report, Hosendove was wearing a tan-colored, full-length caftan robe and he had a small bottle of prayer oil in his pants pocket, DeFazio said.
He had gunshot wounds to his head, torso and extremities, DeFazio said.
Hosendove, who also went by the name Hassan Shakur, had a tattoo on his left bicep reading "Hassian" and a tattoo of a pair of dice on his right bicep.
Anderson was wearing a dark green robe, with a black scarf on her head and a black scarf on her neck, DeFazio said.
She was only shot once, and the bullet was removed from the base of Anderson's skull during the autopsy performed at the state Regional Medical Examiner's Office in Newark, DeFazio said.
The couple were wanted in the June 18 shooting of a Sleepy Hollow, N.Y., man who was reporting to his job at the 30 Minute Oil Change on Broadway in Jersey City.
On Friday, police said they may have been responsible for a string of armed robberies from South Carolina to New Jersey.____________________________________________________________________
UPDATE 7/17/09 7:08 AM:
Just before dawn Thursday, an officer on stakeout was shot in his cruiser, and the assailant, who concealed his shotgun under a friar’s robe, ran into a Jersey City tenement and holed up with a woman. Officers in riot gear moved in — up the dark stairways, into the halls, where more would be shot.
Evacuations were terrifying. Officers shouted and banged on doors. Not everyone got out. The officers approached a third-floor apartment. Some used a battering ram to break the door down, and shotgun blasts came back at them. One officer was hit in the face, another in the neck. As other officers dragged them out of the line of fire, two more were hit.
Then, as officers rushed in, a thundering barrage of gunfire, shotgun blasts and percussion grenades erupted — 30 booms in a sustained 15-second roar, a neighbor said. When it was over, a man and woman suspected in a robbery lay dead, and five officers were wounded, two critically, in a shootout that seemed to encapsulate the dangers and heroism of urban police work.
“It was a terrible gunfight,” Jerramiah T. Healy, the mayor of New Jersey’s second-largest city, said at a news briefing, detailing a 90-minute siege that culminated in a four-minute gun battle at 24 Reed Street — the worst violence in years in a rapidly gentrifying old railroad town of 240,000 across the Hudson from the towers of Lower Manhattan.
Thomas J. Comey, the Jersey City police chief, said of the gunman, Hassan A. Shakur, 32, “This individual came fully ready to go to war with us.” Mr. Shakur was killed, along with his companion, Amanda Anderson, 22. The chief said the assailant’s weapon, a pump-action 12-gauge shotgun with a retractable stock and a sling lined with slotted shells, was “a gun meant for nothing other than to hunt a man.”
At the Jersey City Medical Center, four blocks from the shooting, doctors said the officer shot in the face, Marc DiNardo, 37, a 10-year police veteran, arrived in full cardiac arrest, but was revived and stabilized in extremely critical condition. Two shotgun blast fragments were removed from the neck of the other critically wounded officer, Michael Camacho, 25, a five-year veteran of the force.
Dr. Bruno Molino, the chief of trauma, said the next day or two would be pivotal for the two officers’ survival. “These officers are extremely lucky to be alive,” he said. Less seriously injured were Officer Dennis Mitchell, 35, of the Port Authority police, who was shot in the arm; Frank Molina Jr., 35, hit in his bullet-resistant vest; and Marc Lavelle, 43, who grazed in the leg while in his cruiser.
In a curious twist, Chief Comey noted that Officer DiNardo arrested Mr. Shakur in Jersey City in 2002 on a weapons possession charge. New Jersey Department of Corrections records showed that Mr. Shakur was convicted in Hudson County and sentenced to five years in prison, indicating that he may have been released recently. The shotgun the police said he used on Thursday was reported to have been stolen in North Carolina in 2007.
Investigators said the violence began early Thursday in a gritty neighborhood of three- and four-story buildings interspersed with empty lots overgrown with grass, of bodegas and small beauty salons that stand in stark contrast to the glittering new towers on Jersey City’s Hudson River waterfront.
Chief Comey said the police were staking out a red Ford believed to have been used by a man, accompanied by a woman, who shot a 43-year-old man in the abdomen during a shotgun robbery outside a Jersey City oil-change garage on June 18. The assailants were caught on a surveillance video fleeing in the car. The victim emerged from a medically induced coma on July 7, but has been unable to talk to investigators. The red Ford, the only clue to tracking the assailants, was found in recent days parked near Reed Street.
About 5:15 a.m., the man and woman, dressed in hooded cloaks that Mayor Healy described as similar to “friar’s garb,” were seen approaching the Ford, the authorities said. A detective watching on closed-circuit TV alerted Detective Lavelle and his partner, Mike Kelly, who were in an unmarked car nearby.
The woman was trying to get to the car when she saw the officers and started running. Detective Lavelle, in the driver’s seat, pulled up alongside the Ford; Officer Kelly had stepped from the passenger’s side of the cruiser to confront the man. In a single motion, the man whirled, flung off the robe, raised his shotgun and fired. Officer Kelly was not hit, but the windshield of the cruiser was blown out, and Detective Lavelle was grazed in the leg. The blast ripped the passenger’s seat to shreds.
The woman picked up the gunman’s cloak, and both suspects ran around the corner and into the Reed Street building. At the entrance, the male suspect again fired at the officers, who radioed for backup support. Jersey City officers, Hudson County sheriff’s deputies and officers from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey swarmed to the scene, and surrounded the place and began preparations for an evacuation and siege.
From his apartment across the street, Khurm Muntaz made a video of officers hugging the front of the building, men in helmets under the bulk of protective vests and carrying heavy weapons. Shortly after 6 a.m., they moved in and began what officials called a floor-by-floor search and evacuation. Residents who had heard gunshots outside began hearing officers running and yelling in the hallways.
Many of the 20 apartments were evacuated, but not all. On the third floor, Rich Pratt, 47, said it sounded like many people galloping in the hallways. Then he heard something strike his door. A moment later, officers with drawn weapons burst in and ordered him to get into his bathtub with his dog. He complied, but soon after rushed out of the building. “These guys looked like robots,” Mr. Pratt said.
About 6:30 a.m., Chief Comey said, officers outside the building noticed movement in a window of Apartment 3B, where the suspects had hidden, and at 6:44, they broke down the door. Next door, in 3C, Greg Cefaratti, 55, a chef, said he heard banging sounds, and a voice saying, “Open the door, honey.” Then, he said, a long sustained burst of gunfire and explosions erupted from the apartment next door.
As officers in the hallway battered open the door of 3B, shotgun blasts were fired through the door and adjacent walls. Officer Camacho, in front, was struck in the neck, just above his protective vest, and Officer DiNardo was hit in the face. As firing continued, officers dragged their wounded comrades along hallways and down stairs, leaving blood trails all the way to the street.
Then, Mr. Cefaratti said, the climax of the gun battle took place, as officers rushed into the apartment where the gunman was holed up. “I heard about 30 shots,” he said. It was a sustained roar of pistol or rifle fire, shotgun blasts and the boom of percussion grenades used to blind and shock suspects in a confined space.
Mr. Cefaratti said he retreated to the rear of his apartment and was in his bedroom when police officers entered with drawn guns and ordered him to put his hands in the air. In the apparent confusion of the battle, when it was unclear if the gunman had accomplices in adjacent apartments, Mr. Cefaratti was ordered to lie face down, then handcuffed and taken to a station house, where he was released after questioning.
Outside, two medics provided the first treatment for the most seriously wounded officers. Michael Saul, 34, a mobile intensive care nurse, aided Officer Camacho, and Ashleigh Grillot tried to help Officer DiNardo. He had suffered severe injuries to the jaw and below one eye. Another emergency medical technician, August Johansen, 32, said the police shouted at them to warn them of the danger.
“Don’t move!” Mr. Johansen quoted officers as saying. “You’re in the hot zone.”
“We were in the line of fire,” Mr. Johansen said. Reporting was contributed by Barbara Gray, Christine Hauser, Colin Moynihan, Liz Robbins and Nate Schweber._______________________________________________________________
UPDATED 7/16/09 4:30 PM:
JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Five police officers were shot — two of them critically wounded — in a running gunfight Thursday morning that began during a police stakeout of two armed robbery suspects in New Jersey's second-largest city.
Both suspects were killed in the shootout, which began on the street about 5 a.m. and ended when SWAT officers fought their way into an apartment where the man and woman had taken cover. The assaulting officers were met by shotgun blasts that ripped through the apartment building's walls and doors.
One of the suspects had "some kind of automatic shotgun," Mayor Jerramiah Healy said. Residents of the complex said they awoke to the sounds of gunfire and police running down their halls.
Marlon Harrison said gunshots echoed off the alley wall outside his second-floor apartment window.
"It was like the Army out there," Harrison said.
Doctors at Jersey City Medical Center said the most seriously injured officer was in full cardiac arrest, with no signs of life, when he arrived for treatment. Doctors had to bring him back to life "five or six times" before they could stabilize him, he said.
Dr. Bruno Molino, the chief of trauma at Jersey City Medical Center, said the officer received a shotgun blast to the left side of his face and will require reconstructive surgery to repair his jaw, sinus and the area below his eye.
Rich Schultz / AP Police investigate the scene of a shooting on Reed Street in Jersey City on Thursday. |
"These officers are extremely lucky to be alive," said Molino, 37. "We're very fortunate to be discussing this at all."
The suspects were being sought in connection with an armed robbery last month in which they allegedly shot a man in the abdomen with the same shotgun. Healy said the duo was suspected of similar criminal activity in South Carolina.
Authorities said that the woman did not have a firearm, but that her partner wielded his weapon with deadly intent, sending residents scrambling for cover in a violent neighborhood known for illegal drug sales.
"This individual came fully ready to go to war with us," said Police Chief Tom Comey. "This is a gun meant for nothing other than to hunt a man."
Rich Schultz / AP A detective examines a pair of pants in Jersey City crime scene. |
Police identified the vehicle used in the earlier robbery from surveillance video. Investigators learned the suspects moved it each morning to avoid getting a ticket and staked the vehicle out.
The gunfight began when the suspects approached their car. The man pulled out a pump-action shotgun and fired at the marked police car, blowing out its windshield. One of the officers was shot in the leg.
The subsequent injuries all took place during the apartment assault. The fourth officer wounded was shot in the chest, but the blast was absorbed by his bulletproof vest. The fifth victim, a member of the emergency services unit of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, was shot in the arm.
No names have been released.
The street where the shooting took place remained roped off with police tape as investigators checked a weed-strewn vacant lot nearby for bullets.
UPDATE 7/16/09 11:54 AM:
by Julie O'Connor/The Star-Ledger Thursday July 16, 2009, 11:16 AM
JERSEY CITY -- Five police officers were wounded in an early morning shootout that left two suspects dead, Police Chief Thomas J. Comey said at a news conference this morning.
Two of the officers are in critical, but stable, condition in the Jersey City Medical Center, two others are in the hospital with lessor injuries and the the fifth was treated and released, Comey said. He declined to identify the officers or the suspects.
Another news conference is planned for 2 p.m.
The incident started just after 5 a.m. at 24 Reed St., off Bergen Avenue, an area residents say is known for drug trafficking. Neighbors said they heard multiple shots and then the area was swarmed with police and SWAT officers.
Comey said his officer were staking out a suspect in a "major crime" that was related to a video recently released by Jersey City police. He wouldn't be more specific.
The officers had been watching the suspect and his car since 11 p.m. Wednesday. Today's events started when the suspect went to his car about 5 a.m. and an officer approach him.
The suspect pulled out a pump-shotgun, fired on the officers, and retreated to the apartment.
"This individual came fully pre0ared to go to war with us ... and he took it out on those police officers," Comey said.
The officers then called for back-ups, including Port Authority of New York and New Jersey officers.
About an hour later, a SWAT team stormed the apartment, Comey said, triggering a fire fight and included bullets shots through doors and walls. The two suspects were killed and the additional police injuries took place, he said.
The most seriously injured officer was shot in the face and brought to the hospital in "full cardiac arrest," doctors said. They called it a "minor miracle" that he has stabilized.
"This could be a happy ending," said Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy.
07/16/09) JERSEY CITY (AP) - Five Jersey City police officers were shot, and two of them are in critical condition, after a gunbattle that broke out when they approached a car connected to a robbery. Officials say two suspects were killed in the "terrible gunfight."
Two of the critically injured officers are undergoing surgery. Officials say one of the officers was shot in the face and the other was hit in the neck.
Mayor Jerramiah Healy says a gunfight erupted after officers approached two people headed for a car connected to an armed robbery. He says the two suspects ran into an apartment, and shotgun blasts shattered the door and wall.
The suspects' names have not been released.
Officials say other officers were injured in the shootout.
Healy says the incident began around 5 a.m. Thursday.
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