Puppies are definitely an extremely reliable source of good quality entertainment. Take tonight for example. Mom and I just finished eating dinner when we noticed the new puppy, Miki, looking at her reflection in the water bowl. She bobbed her nose in a few times then went to paw at her image when we stopped her. It was at that point that i decided to put an ice cube in the water to see what she would do with it.

Now i clearly know she has not experienced the ice cube so my curiosity was surely peaked. Good ole' Miki didn't let me down! I guess ice cubes make this REALLY highly pitched squealing sound while they are melting in a bowl of water and Miki clearly was astounded by this new toy she thinks she might have found.

Not quite sure what to make of it she slowly creeps up to the bowl, pawing at it just slightly for whatever dog reason she thinks is necessary.
Now i clearly know she has not experienced the ice cube so my curiosity was surely peaked. Good ole' Miki didn't let me down! I guess ice cubes make this REALLY highly pitched squealing sound while they are melting in a bowl of water and Miki clearly was astounded by this new toy she thinks she might have found.
Not quite sure what to make of it she slowly creeps up to the bowl, pawing at it just slightly for whatever dog reason she thinks is necessary.
Clearly she is not sure what to make of this little white floating noise maker in the water dish. She is also oblivious to my Mom and I laughing hysterically while taking pictures of her lesson of the day. LMAO!
After many minutes of pawing at the bowl and staring at the ice cube in wonderment, Miki decides to go nose first to get out the water-bowl intruder.
She's a happy puppy! and we FINALLY got a dog to retrieve and dispose of the missed ice cubes from the ice maker. Good Girl Miki!
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